Friday links and great advice
This is an excellent weekend to get some Halloween and holiday sales prep done. Here are some links from around the web to help you out: How to make your products stand out this Holiday season. Is your store optimized for the multi-channel world? Holiday wholesaling basics for newbies. How many…
How to Sell Your Products Wholesale
The jump to the wholesale market can be prove to be a daunting task. You’re required to have large quantities of products en masse for prospective new retailers. You deal with numbers usually much larger than your average transactions. On top of all that, you’ve got to re-do all that hard work to get noticed…
Artist in the spotlight: Brazen Design
*A bit about yourself When did you first realize you were passionate about art & crafts? As a young girl it became apparent to my family that I had the innate aptitude for drawing so my grandmother mentored that ability and enrolled me in numerous classes at the Edmonton Art Gallery where I was eventually…